(ii) Facilitating the establishment of private
pension schemes.
5. Resource mobilization and public
( US$ 1.43 million)
(i) A program aimed at improving the revenue
collection performance of the Customs Department through training, revision of
procedures and controls, and anti-fraud measures;
(ii) A public information/education program on
economic reforms, including mass media campaigns, round-tables/seminars on key
issues, and the design of an education program focusing on skills in high
demand in market economics
Agency Zaal
Japaridze, Head of PIU, 12 Kazbegi Ave.
Phone: (99532) 950865
Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic
42, Kazbegi Ave.
Phone: (99532)
225186 / (99532) 389652
Project Objective 1. To support policy
reform in the transport sectoral and restructure its institutions to operate in
a market economy.
2. To repair and maintain some of the most
critical elements of the transport system.
Project Description (1) Institution
Building Component (US$ 4.9 million):
(i) advice and support to teams preparing
sector reforms;
(ii) technical assistance for the formulation
of technical and legal framework necessary to the restructuring,
commercialization and privatization of sector
(iii) managerial assistance for public and
private transport enterprises;
(iv) a training program to update transport
technical staff of the private and public sectors;
(v) project management.
(2) Investment Component ( US$ 13.2million )
(i) road maintenance program, including
selected equipment and spares for road maintenance as well as emergency repairs
and the necessary imported road building materials;
(ii) a railway sub-component, including bridge
repairs and the required structural steel, track materials (ties, rails and
fastenings), spares for locomotives, and communications and selected signaling
Agency Gia
Tsagareli, Head of PIU, 12 Kazbegi Ave.
Phone: (99532) 986385
Fax: (99532) 990461
Project Objective: The main
objective is to consolidate stabilization, foster a strong and sustained growth
recovery and reduce poverty.
The reform program aims at:
a tight monetary program supported by an improving fiscal position;
the Government sector and improving efficiency of public spending;
a rapid adjustment of the productive sector to new market
other objectives are;
budgetary support to maintain the level of critical public expenditures;
foreign exchange for the purchase of critical imports;
a framework for financial assistance from other donor agencies.
Description: 1. Maintaining a Tight Monetary Policy:
inflation to 20-25 percent in 1996 and strengthen the international position of
the range of monetary instruments and enhance the capacity of the NBG to
achieve monetary objectives.
Improving the Fiscal System:
sustainability of stabilization;
tax revenue to 6.7 percent of GDP in 1996;
a revenue to expenditure ration of 70 percent in 1996 and maintain budget
deficit at 3-4 percent of GDP in 1996.
Streamlining of the Government Sector and Improving the Efficiency of Public
maintain critical public function within the framework of a tight expenditure
program (expenditure maintained at about 13 percent of GDP in 1996);
government pay and employment;
the provision and financing of social services reforming social insurance and
social protection;
energy subsidies;
Fostering Adjustment of the Productive Sector:
the financial sector;
export growth.
Disbursement: US$ 29.88 million
disbursement of the loan is linked to agreed targets specified for each tranche
release – to be met by the Georgian Government in implementing its structural
reform program.
Description: The Government’s structural reform program
outline in the Letter of development Policy was presented with the Second
Adjustment Credit (SACII), $60 million (which closed in December 1998). To
facilitate the timely implementation of structural reforms, the Government
requested a program of technical assistance to support the design and
implementation of reform measures in the key areas. The institutional capacity
of the Government to implement structural reform measures has been successfully
strengthened under the Institutional Building Credit (IBC) and the Structural
Adjustment Technical Assistance Credit (SATAC). Lessons learned from these two
technical assistance projects were incorporated in the design of SATAC II.
The Core objective of SATAC II is
to enhance the capacity of the Georgian Government to implement the structural
reform program supported by SAC II.
The technical assistance is divided
into seven broad categories:
judicial reform and
anti-corruption initiative;
financial sector;
energy sector reforms;
social protection
resource mobilization
public information
The World Bank and IMF Partnership in
Georgia’s Development Strategy
The IMF has taken the lead in
assisting Georgia in enhancing macroeconomic stability. In this regard, the
Fund has encouraged the authorities to pursue a prudent fiscal policy, including
by increasing tax revenues and reducing domestic expenditure arrears. The IMF
Board approved a new three-year program under the Fund’s Poverty Reduction and
Growth Facility (PRGF) in January 2001. The first and the second reviews under
the PRGF were completed in October 2001 and July 2002, respectively.
Implementation of the 2002 macroeconomic program was broadly on track.
Quantitative criteria and indicative targets were met, except for those on
domestic arrears, fuel and excise tax collection and reserve money. At 2 percent of GDP, the fiscal deficit was slightly higher
than programmed because of shortfalls in external financing, and revenue
collection improved only slightly from 14.3 percent of GDP to 14.4 percent over
the period. An IMF mission which visited Georgia in July 2003 to discuss
completion of the postponed third review found that the fiscal pressures that
emerged in early 2003 had continued, with tax revenue falling short of budget
targets, and an accumulation of substantial new budget arrears. The IMF thus
saw the need inter alia to introduce some tax reform measures, adjust
electricity tariffs and revise the 2003 budget to close the fiscal gap. The
authorities achieved the first two but were unable to secure parliamentary
approval of a revised budget. The current PRGF will expire in the next several
months and the IMF will soon be initiating discussions to assess prospects for
a possible new three-year program to support Georgia’s EDPRP.
The World Bank has taken the
lead in the policy dialogue on structural issues, focusing on: (i)
strengthening public expenditure management; (ii) deepening and diversifying
sources of growth, (iii) protecting the environment; and (iv) reducing
poverty. The table on page 53 summarizes the division of responsibility
between the two institutions. In a number of areas – for example the social
sectors, rural development, environment, and infrastructure – the Bank takes
the lead in the dialogue and there is no cross conditionality with the
IMF-supported program. The Bank is also leading the dialogue on private sector
reform, and Bank analysis serves as inputs into the Fund program. In other
areas – energy, the financial sector, public expenditure management, and
revenue and customs – both institutions work together. Finally, in areas like
monetary policy the IMF takes the lead with little Bank involvement.
Areas in which the World Bank leads and there
is no direct IMF involvement
Areas in which the Bank
leads and there is no direct IMF involvement include the social sectors,
infrastructure and environment.
In the social sectors the Bank conducts annual
updates of Georgia’s Poverty Assessment based on household data collected on a
quarterly basis. The Bank’s focus has been to improve the budget execution of
expenditures for health, education and poverty benefits and to raise the
efficiency in the use of scarce public resources. Through the Social
Investment Fund Credits IDA is focusing in particular on areas with high
poverty levels to provide basic infrastructure to the poorest communities. A
recently approved Self-reliance Fund Grant will help authorities address the
complex issues related to internally displaced people. IDA is also supporting
a dialogue with the Government on social protection reform that may lead to an
IDA-supported project.
In education the Education Adaptable Program
Credit aims at improving the learning outcomes of primary and secondary
students, through curriculum reform, development of an examination system,
training of teachers, provision of learning materials, and development of
capacity to make better use of Georgia’s physical, financial and human
resources. While the investment needs of school buildings are substantially
higher than is currently affordable for Georgia, the Social Investment Fund
projects continue to assist in financing urgent repairs to school facilities in
many communities.
In health IDA Credits to support the
Government in improving the health care financing system, exploring
risk-pooling options, introducing a new system of primary health care and
improving the focus of services funded through public funds on the poor and on
priority public health interventions. In addition hospital restructuring has
been supported by SAC 3 and the Structural Reform Support Credit.
In infrastructure support is being provided
through the Municipal Development and Decentralization Credit and the Social
Investment Fund Credit. These projects are providing financing at the community
level for critical infrastructure needs, primarily for school and health facilities
heating and repair, small hydropower schemes to provide electricity, drinking
water and sanitation rehabilitation, as well as transportation infrastructure
In rural development IDA credits have
supported the development of private sector farming and agro-processing
improvements, agricultural credit, irrigation and drainage, and agriculture
research and extension. IDA has also been supporting
the creation of local institutions such as rural credit unions and water users
associations through its Credits.
Areas in which the World Bank leads and its
analysis serves as input into the IMF program
The Bank has been leading the
dialogue on structural reforms through SAC 3, approved by the Bank’s Board of
Executive Directors in June, 1999, and closed in October, 2002. Despite
considerable delays, the core conditions of SAC 3 were met, but their impact
was reduced by poor governance. Institution building and technical assistance
has been supported through the Structural Reform Support Credit, also approved
by the Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on June 29, 1999. The Bank also
leads in the areas of:
Private sector development.
SAC 3 supported improvements in the environment for private sector development,
focusing on: (i) simpler licensing regulations; (ii) more transparent
government procurement; (iii) reduced cost of entry for businesses; and (iv)
privatization of state-owned commercial assets. IDA has also been supporting
private sector participation in other areas such as energy, telecommunications,
urban services and agriculture. The IMF has worked with the authorities to
initiate audits of the 2002 accounts of three major state owned enterprises.
· Energy. The energy system is in poor
condition, with unreliable supply, massive non-payment and mounting debts.
IDA has been working with other donors, including the IMF, to encourage more
private management and ownership, and to implement a series of short-term
action plans to improve the overall functioning of the sector. The IMF has
also been focusing on improved payments for electricity.
· Public Sector Management. The Bank is
supporting the development of a civil service reform program, while the Fund is
providing technical assistance in support of tax and customs administration
Areas of shared responsibility
of the World Bank and IMF
Ñòðàíèöû: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35