На основании
полученных результатов составлена диаграмма (см. рис.9).
Рис.9. Динамика качественной успеваемости детей на формирующем этапе.
На контрольном этапе снова была проведена анкета. Повторное анкетирование
изменило результаты способностей в овладении языком, которые изображены на
диаграмме 10. Т.е на формирующем этапе ЭК повысил свои результаты.
Рис.10. Динамика способностей в овладении языком.
Кроме того, исходя из этой же анкеты, мы выявили повышенный уровень
творческого потенциала детей (Рис.11).
Рис.11. Динамика уровня творческого потенциала детей.
В целом полученные результаты позволяют утверждать, что у контрольной
группы обучающейся традиционными методами, повысилась, но по сравнению с ней учащихся
экспериментальной группы, обучающихся по проектной методике, намного выше. Это
говорит о том, что проведённая нами работа дала хорошие результаты.
Исследуя тему,
проблемы развития социальной компетенции одарённых детей на уроках английского
языка, мы выяснили, что для формирования и развития социальной компетенции
одарённых детей нужны такие формы организации обучения, которые позволяли бы
моделировать ситуации и коммуникативные задачи из сфер социального общения и
взаимодействия, свойственные определенному возрасту: индивидуальные и
коллективные формы работы (парные, групповые, командные), которые дают возможность
одаренному ребенку адаптироваться к взаимодействию с другими детьми, научиться
прислушиваться к мнению других, высказывать и отстаивать свою точку зрения,
корректировать свое поведение и подчинять свои интересы интересам коллектива,
Бывая на
практике, мы заметили, что учителя работают со всеми детьми одинаково, и не
стремятся работать с одарёнными детьми. Кроме того, запаздывают с изучением
материала, их задача: более интенсивно работать. Необходимо раньше осваивать
овладения социальными умениями.
Мы просмотрели
учебник начальной школы английского языка под редакцией Биболетовой, на предмет
формирования социальных умений. Оказалось что, только в 4-ом классе начинается
изучение выражений, а хотя должны уже в конце первого года обучения. Приложение
Решение проблемы,
выбранной мной, успешной будет в том случае, когда мы будем формировать
социальные умения с первого года обучения, так же если мы создадим условия для
социализации одарённых детей, будем учитывать личностные качества каждого и
дети овладеют социальными умениями. Т.е мы научим детей правильно общаться и
использовать язык.
Таким образом,
приведя в систему формы, методы и приёмы работы с одарёнными детьми, выявив их
психологическую и мотивационную основы, мы постарались сохранить одну из
главных особенностей в работе с одаренными детьми - комплексный подход, что
будет способствовать сохранению и развитию интеллектуального и научного
генофонда России.
Н.В. Проблемы социализации личности. – М., 1970.
А.А., Малькова З.А., НовиковаЛ.И., Караковский Е.С., Концепция воспитания
учащейся молодёжи в современном обществе., – М., 1991.
Е.И. Актуальные проблемы построения компетенции социальной одарённости //
Обрадована особистiсть: пощук, розвиток,
допамога. К., 1998. С. 85-91.
Э.Ф., Павлова А.М., Сыманюк Э.Э. Модернизация профессионального образования:
Компетентностный подход. М.: МПСИ, 2005.
И.А. Ключевые компетентности как результативно-целевая основа компетентностного
подхода в образовании. Авторская версия. М.: Исследовательский центр проблем
качества подготовки специалистов, 2004.
В.А. Компетентностный подход в педагогическом образовании. СПБ.: Изд-во РГПУ
им. А.И.Герцена, 2005.
С.В. Коммуникативные способности и социализация детей 5-9 лет. Комплекс
коррекционно-развивающихся знаний и психологических тренингов. Картинный
материал. - М.: “Издательство Гном и Д”, 2001.-48с.
словарь по социологии. Под общей ред. Гришиани Д.М., Лагина И.И. – М., 1998г.
О.Е. Компетентностный подход в образовании // Школьные технологии. – 2004. –
А.В. Социализация человека: учебное пособие для студентов высших учебных
заведений/А.В.Мудрик-2-е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: Издательский центр
«Академия», 2006.-304с.
Л.И. Профессиональный словарик: компетенция и компетентность - одно и то же? //
Преподаватель XXI век. - 2005.-№1.-с. 49-51.
социальной уверенности у дошкольников: пособие для педагогов дошкольных
учреждений. - М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2002.-224с.
Д.И. Развитие социального интеллекта мл.шк. на уроках англ.яз. // Одарённый
ребёнок. 2007.-№3.-с. 108-113.
А. Развитие детской одарённости в образовательной среде // Развитие
личности.-2002.-№3.-с. 113-146.
Г.К. Компетентности и их классификация // Народное образование. – 2004.-№5.
П.В. Высшая нервная деятельность человека: мотивационно-эмоциональные аспекты.
– М.: Наука, 1975.
И.Дж. Социологи: Пер. с англ.-М., 1994г.
словарь. Под ред. Фролова И.Т. 6 издание, перераб. и доп.-М., 1991г.
И.И. Методика работы педагога дополнительного образования: Учеб. пособие для
студ. высш. пед. учеб. заведений.-М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2001г.
А.В. Развитие одарённости шк-ов: Методика продуктивного обучения: Пособие для
учителя.- М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2000. – 320с. – (Педагогическая
А.В. Ключевые компетенции: технология конструирования // Народное образование.
– 2003. – № 2.
Е.Н., Котова И.Б. Развитие личности в обучении: Учеб. Пособие для студ. пед.
вузов. – М.: Издательский центр « Академия», 1999. – 288с.
Н.Б. Обучение и развитие одарённых детей. – М.: Издательство Московского
психолого-социального института; Воронеж: Издательство НПО «МОДЭК», 2004. –
366с. – (Серия «Библиотека психолога»)
Приложение №3
Игорь: The first car appeared in France in 1771. Max speed of that
car was only 6 km/h. And the first race of the world was June, 22 in France in
1894. Max speed of those cars was 100km/h. Now there are more thane 10
varieties of races: Formula 1, Blue Flame, Big Foot, Camel Trophy and other.
Now the fastest cars are Blue Flame, Rocket and Maverick (max speed is about
1014 km/h and more). The most dangerous races are Street Racing, Rally and
Races for Survive. Races often have hard fractures after passing a route. I
think the most interesting race is Camel Trophy, the lack of good roads race.
Swamps forests are places where on Second World War a tank couldn't go. All
races reach finish, but somebody have to use a winch. Big Foot it is the
“biggest race”. Height of wheel is about one floor. Auto rodeo is interesting
too. It isn't a race it is an appearance with car. Very interesting look how
one driver drive car on two right (left) wheels, and another stand on it in
addition, but doesn’t drive. SUPER! Racers from Russia repeatedly win in many
races like other racers from Germany, Japan, USA and another.
Павел: Roman Rusinov is the first Russian
pilot, who won poul-position in Formula 3000. On the second of May on the route
Nurburgring started first stage of championship Euro 3000. In champion’s news
thrice were hear words “big surprise from Russia”. Roman Rusinov won in two
sessions of free routes and in qualifications,
what was in one strained day. Roman Rusinov champion’s debutant justified a
very bold holds of company GAZPROM and of his fans, and he didn’t come out on
this route earlier. Thanks to care training and big work, he left behind the
fasters opponents, who came out in Euro 3000 the second year and won
poul-position for first race championship, what started on Sunday on the forth
of May in 14:30. Roman Rusinov: “I didn’t waiting that I win in sessions this
day and win poul. It wasn’t easily, but we did a good work with my command. Now
I must weaken and prepare to Sunday’s race. In race I must prepare for good
start and I mustn’t do any mistake for 31 circles”
Игорь: The World’s Cup of Off - roads rally-raids. Pilots of command
Mitsubishi Motors Person Stefan Petransel (navigator is Van-Paul Cotre) and
Huan Roma (navigator is Anri Mane) finished on the first two - kilometers route
Off-road UAE Desert Challenge on first and second places. Now they are at the
head of column of 61 motor cycles 9 quadro-cycles 31 jeeps and 3 Lorries (there
are command KAMAZ-Master of hat 3 Lorries). Petransel and Cotre won this rally
in 2002&2003 years and they have all chances to subdue it (Desert
Challenge) in third time.
Приложение №4
Ольга: Buying or walking, London’s shops
are attractions in themselves. Oxford Street, Regent Street and Knights-bridge
are all known for their famous stores. Selfridges’ magnificent facade is Oxford
Street’s most famous landmark, with a lot of food halls as well as top designer
collections. Come into John Lewis or Marks & Spencer before heading for
Liberty’s, on Regent Street, a store bursting with an exotic variety of
fabrics, china, jewellery, clothes and furniture. Nearby is Hamleys, the most
famous toy shop in the world, a delight for children and adults alike. If you
are looking for something truly unique Harrods, in Knightsbridge boasts that it
can order anything in the world-from a miniature Rolls Royce to a live
elephant! There are also new indoor shopping complexes, like Whiteleys in
Bayswater and Hay’s Galleria near London Bridge station, which allow you to eat
as well as shop in comfortable environment. Bond Street and Sloane Street offer
the finest international names. For a chic, designer outfit look for British
names: Katherine Hamnett, Bella Freud and Vivienne Westwood. Burberrys in the
Haymarket, Simpsons of Piccadilly and Aquascutum in Regent Street provide the
ultimate in elegant English style and for a traditional look, shoes, hats and
suits can be made to order by the tailors of Savile Row and Jemyn Street. For a
different shopping experience, you could try goods at one of London’s markets;
try Camden Passage, Portobello Road or Petticoat Lane. At Covent Garden, stalls
and small shops sell designer clothes, books, arts, crafts, decorative items
and antiques.
Яна: The Body Shop sells perfumes, soap,
shampoo and skin-care products for men and women. The shops sell good cheap
products in beautiful packing. Dillons first opened in 1936 as the bookshop to
the University of London. Dillons is now a complex of 49 high-quality modern
bookshops. They are often to be found in large buildings of traditional
architecture, with modern hi-tech interiors. Dillons’ image one of academic
excellence and they want to be associated with the older university. Foyle’s is
one of London’s largest bookshops. The shop is well known for its wide number
of books. Many of its assistants are foreign students who can’t speak English.
Harrods is the most famous London’s department store. Harrods has about 230
departments, among them 16 food halls and 34 for fashion. The store has a
library, a bank it, arranges funerals, sightseeing tours, has a kennel for
customers’ dogs and its own water supply and electricity generators. 40% of Harrods’
business is to foreign customers and there is a total of 50,000 customers a
day. Marks and Spenser is a number of department stores which sell men’s and
women’s clothing, home furniture, plants and food. Today there are 280 Marks
and Spencer stores in Britain, and a total of 600 company-owned stores
world-wide. Marks and Spencer sells 5% of Britain’s food and 16% of is
clothing. Its clothing is traditional in design and good value for money. Its
food is expensive, of high quality and great choice.
Ольга: Next is a chain of popular fashion
clothes shops for men and women. It became famous for the suits which were worn
by businessmen and businesswomen at the beginning of the 1980s. Next provided a
cheap education in style and fashion. Sainsbury’s supermarkets are one of
leaders in food and drink selling in Britain. It has about 12% of the market
and suggests good food and wine. Most of the 246 supermarkets and 46 home base
stores, which sell do-it-yourself goods, are in the richest part of England. There
are no Sainsbury’s stores in Scotland and Wales. W.H.Smith is a national chain
of shops which sells newspapers and magazines. Smith’s also sell books, videos,
pens and office equipment. Tesco was founded by J. Cohen who used to say, “I
pile it high, sell it cheap” to explain the great success of his supermarkets.
Today the cut-price image has remained and the name “Tesco” is often used to
mean anything cheap. There are 396 stores with about 80,000 employees. Today
Tesco has an expensive advertising campaign in an effort to upgrade its image.
Woolworth’s is an American chain store. The stores used to sell a wide range of
goods including food, furniture, CDs, toys, sweets, clothes and paint.
Woolworth’s now sells a small range of goods, such as children’s clothes,
sweets, videos and make-up. It has clever advertising campaign which
concentrates on videos and CDs and always uses the same simple formula. This
attracts people into Woolworth’s, to buy other things.
Приложение №5
Света: Snowdrops are small plants. Their
flowers look like white bell. They are really lovely. They have weak pleasant
smell. They are as white as snow. Snowdrops are native plant in England. It
appears in January when the ground is covered with snow. It is loved by every
one. Water lilies are wonderful plant. They grow in water of quiet lakes and
rivers. You can’t say their flowers are beautiful, but their small yellow heads
look fantastic among big round plate-like leaves. Frogs like to use them as
chairs. You can see them in blossom in summer month. Primrose is a rather small
flower. Its flowers look like stars. The wild primroses are yellow. But red,
pink, purple and orange primroses are grown in English gardens. It used to grow
in many parts of England. Some primroses can be seen in February, March, April
and May. Its name means “first rose” in Latin. People have loved it for
thousands of years as one of the first sweet spring flowers. In England they
celebrate Primrose Day on the 19th of April. Daffodil has long leaves and
beautiful flowers. They can be white or yellow. Daffodils have got strong sweet
smell. In England daffodils grow in the wild. You can see fields of daffodils
in the countryside. They appear in February and blossom during the whole
spring. Daffodil is poisonous and it is not eaten by animals. Daisies are
common flowers in England. Everybody knows what they look like. They have
yellow center and few rows of petals. They are usually white, but petals can be
reddish or purplish below. They have very weak smell. Daisies grow practically
everywhere all year round except January. Poppy is a lovely, delicate plant.
Its flower looks like a cup. They can be red or yellow. Garden poppies can have
many petals. Poppies grow in the countryside. Sometimes they appear in great
crowds in fields or in mountains. They blossom during the whole summer. Their
smell can make you feel sleepy like it happened to Dorothy from “Wizard of Oz”.
Their seeds are often used in cooking.
Приложение №6
Представлен фрагмент спектакля
Once upon
there was a King and a Queen.
The King was
kind and silly.
And the Queen
was beautiful.
She loved the
King very much.
Now the Queen
is waiting a child.
But the King
is boring.
I'm boring.
Dear! Would you like to
Король: No.
Королева: Darling! Would you like to drink?
Oh, honey! Would you
like …?
No. No. No. I
want to hunt!
Yes. Yes.
Yes. I want to hunt!
Hunter! Go
with me! Goodbye, dear!
Oh, darling!
I love you,
my dear! Be careful!
Don't drink
cold water!
Don't eat raw
Oh, my dear!
A little time
later the Queen bore a child.
It was a
little girl. She was very beautiful
And she was
named Snow White.
Королева: Oh, my dear! Would you like to eat?
Белоснежка: Thank you, mummy!
Королева: Oh, my darling! Would you like to
Белоснежка: Thank you very much, mummy!
Королева: Oh, honey! I see your father, baby!
Oh, my
Oh, my
How do you
Король: Hello, my dear!
Who is she,
Who are you?
I'm Snow
I'm your
daughter, father!
My daughter?
Is she my
Королева: Yes, my dear! She is your daughter!
Король: Nonsense! Terrible! Horrible!
Королева: Oh, honey! Aren't you glad?
No, I wanted
a son! My son will be strong and brave,
beautiful and
clever as me!
And daughter
is terrible! Nonsense!
Oh, my God!
I'm so unhappy!
Белоснежка: Oh, my God! I'm so unhappy!
Королева: Oh, my God! I'm so unhappy! I'm
Oh, my mummy!
Oh, my dear! She's died!
Father, you
killed your wife!
You killed my
You killed
the Queen!
You are the
terribly! It's awfully!
Snow White
has been crying for many years.
And the King
was sad the whole year…
But times are
Once the New
Queen has appeared.
Новая Королева. Ее замечает король)
How do you do?
Новая королева: Hello, guy!
Король: How are you? Mrs.…
Новая королева: Miss! I'm fine, thanks. And you?
Король: I, I, I…
Новая королева: Could I help you, baby?
Oh, my fairy!
I want to be with you!
I want to
make you happy!
королева: O'K, I agree. Come
with me!
Белоснежка: Daddy! Where are you? Daddy!
Новая королева: Who is it?
Король: It's my daughter, Snow White.
Новая королева:
Princess? Obstacle?
You must
marry her! Now!
Now? O'K, my
Snow White,
you must marry now!
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