p> The execution of monetary policy is to a great extent decentralised.
It is in large part carried out by the NCBs. The ECB and the 11 NCBs
together are referred to as the Eurosystem. If we refer to the ECB and the
15 NCBs of all EU Member States, we speak of the European System of Central
Banks (ESCB). The General Council of the ECB meets quarterly and comprises
the President and Vice-President of the ECB and the 15 governors of the
NCBs of all the EU Member States. This body does not make decisions on
monetary policy, but discusses issues concerning the relationship between
the "ins" and the countries I prefer to call "pre-ins", such as exchange
rate issues. The third decision-making body of the ECB is the Executive
Board of the ECB, comprising the six executive directors of the ECB. The
Executive Board is responsible for current business and the implementation
of monetary policy as decided by the Governing Council. The staff of the
ECB will, in the course of this year, reach a level of between 750 and 800
and is likely to grow further in the years ahead. The ECB is one of the most, if not the most, independent central bank
in the world. Its independence and that of the participating national
central banks are firmly enshrined in the Maastricht Treaty. Members of the
Governing Council are not allowed to take or seek instructions from
anybody, politicians included. Politicians are not allowed to give such
instructions. Members of the Governing Council have a term of office of at
least five years. The ECB is financially independent. The independent status of the ECB fits into the recent world-wide
trend of granting independence to central banks. This tendency is evidenced
by both practical experience and academic research. By shielding monetary
policy decisions from political interference, price stability can be
maintained without having to give up economic growth. Indeed, in that sense
having an independent central bank is a good thing for all concerned. The
reason for central bank independence is that monetary policy-making under
the influence of politicians tends to focus too much on short-term
considerations. This can easily lead to temporary, non-sustainable
increases in growth, but inevitably results in lasting increases in
inflation with no lasting gains in growth and employment at all.
Politicians all over the world have come to realise this and have decided
to remove the temptation to pursue short-term gains and to make their
central bank independent. It should be underlined that granting this
independence is, as it should be, a political decision. An independent
central bank needs a clear legal mandate. 4. The monetary policy strategy The ECB has, as I mentioned earlier, such a mandate. However, the
Treaty does not specify how the ECB should pursue its primary objective of
maintaining price stability; in other words: it is silent on what is called
the monetary policy strategy. The ECB therefore formulated its strategy in
the second half of last year. That was no easy task. The introduction of
the euro constitutes a structural break, which may change the behaviour of
firms and individuals and make it less predictable. To a certain extent it
is comparable to what Poland experienced when it embarked on its reform
process. The rules of the game change and this makes policy-making more
complicated. Our monetary policy strategy has taken these specific
circumstances into account. It is tailored to this unique period of the
introduction of the euro, although it has elements of both monetary
targeting and inflation targeting. In the context of this strategy the ECB has provided a quantitative
definition of price stability. Price stability is defined as a year-on-year
increase in the harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) of below 2% for
the euro area as a whole. Price stability is to be maintained in the medium
term. The strategy consists of two pillars. The first pillar is a prominent
role for money. Ultimately, inflation is a monetary phenomenon. It is in
the end result of too much money chasing too few goods. Therefore, we have
formulated a reference value for the growth of a broad monetary aggregate,
M3, of 4 Ѕ% on an annual basis. Growth of the money stock at this pace
would provide the economy with sufficient liquidity for growth in activity
in line with trend growth, without inflation. At the end of this year this
figure will be reviewed. It should be emphasised that we did not define a
target for money growth. The reason for this is the structural break that
the introduction of the euro creates. By calling this a reference value, it
is made clear that money is one variable which we look at very carefully in
order to examine whether inflationary or deflationary pressures are tending
to emerge. We do not, however, react mechanistically to changes in money
growth. The formulation of the second pillar is also prompted by the
potential changes in economic behaviour on account of the introduction of
the euro. It is a broadly based assessment of the outlook for price
developments on the basis of an analysis of monetary, financial and
economic developments. In this context interest rates, the yield curve,
wage developments, public finance, the output gap, surveys of economic
sentiment and many other indicators are analysed. Use is also made of
forecasts produced by other bodies and internally for inflation and other
economic variables. This brings me to the role of the exchange rate of the euro in our
strategy. Since our primary objective is price stability and since the euro
area as a whole is a relatively closed economy with an export share of 14%
of gross domestic product, we do not have a target for the exchange rate of
the euro, for example, against the US dollar. This does not mean, and it is
good to underline this once more, that the ECB is indifferent to the
external value of the euro or even neglects it. The external value of the
euro is one of the indicators we look at in the broadly based assessment of
the outlook for price developments. Within that framework, we constantly
monitor exchange rate developments, analyse them and shall act on them, if
and when this becomes necessary. However, such action will never be
mechanistic, nor will it be isolated. The external value of the euro and
its development are analysed and considered in the context of other
indicators of future price developments. The ECB also tries to assess
international confidence in the still very young euro. Of course, the level
of international confidence in the euro is not the only factor determining
its external value, nor is the exchange rate the only indicator of
confidence in the euro. It is, for instance, encouraging to see how the
euro has been received on the international money and capital markets. I am
sure that an internally stable euro will also strongly underpin
international confidence in this currency, as it has for other currencies
in the past. As the currency of a very large area, the issue of the international
role of the euro naturally arises. The ECB takes a neutral stance regarding
this role. It will neither be stimulated, nor hindered. On the one hand, an
international currency has advantages for citizens in the euro area, on the
other, it may sometimes complicate the conduct of monetary policy when a
large amount of euro is circulating outside the euro area. We shall leave
the development of the international role of the euro to market
participants and market forces. If history is a guide as to what will
happen, there will be a gradual process whereby the euro will have an
increasingly international role. Such a gradual development would also be a
welcome development, if only to prevent the euro from becoming too strong
externally at some point in time. It is likely and understandable that
interest in the euro is already considerable in those countries aspiring to
join the EU, including Poland. I shall elaborate on this issue at the end
of my speech. Coming back to our monetary policy strategy, I should like to point
out that it is important to make clear what monetary policy can and cannot
do. Monetary policy can maintain price stability, but only in the medium
term. In the short term prices are also influenced by non-monetary
developments. Moreover, monetary policy measures only have an impact on
prices with long, variable and not entirely predictable time-lags of
between 1.5 and 2 years. Therefore, monetary policy-making should have a
forward-looking character. Today's inflation is the result of past policy
measures, and current policy measures only affect future inflation. The
uncertainty of the economic process in a market economy is another reason
for policy-makers to be modest. The ECB does not pursue an activist policy.
Precise steering of the business cycle or a cyclically-oriented monetary
policy are not feasible and are likely to destabilise rather than stabilise
the economy. Some commentators have interpreted our recent interest rate
reduction as a change to a more cyclically-oriented monetary policy
strategy. This is not true. Our strategy was, is and shall remain medium
term-oriented and firmly focused on maintaining the price stability which
currently prevails in the euro area. Monetary policy should be supported by sound budgetary policies and
wage developments in line with productivity growth and taking into account
the objective of price stability. Otherwise, price stability can only be
maintained at a high cost in terms of lost output and employment. This also
explains why independence should not mean isolation. It is important to
have a regular exchange of information and views with other policy-makers.
The Maastricht Treaty stipulates that the President of the ECB is invited
to meetings of the EU Council meeting in the composition of the Ministers
of Economy and Finance whenever there are issues on the agenda which are
relevant to the ECB's tasks. The President of the Council of Ministers and
a member of the European Commission may attend meetings of the Governing
Council, although they do not have the right to vote. The President of the
Council of Ministers may submit motions for deliberation. Apart from these
formal contacts, there are many informal contacts, for example in the
context of the so-called Euro-11 group of finance ministers from the euro
area countries. I regularly attend meetings of this group. Monetary policy cannot be used to solve structural problems, such as
the unacceptably high level of unemployment in the euro area. Structural
problems call for structural solutions, in this case measures targeted at
making labour and product markets work more flexibly. The best contribution
the ECB's monetary policy can make in this context is to maintain price
stability. In this way one of the conditions for sustainable growth in
incomes and employment is created. As important as this is, it should be
realised that jobs are created by firms which are confident about the
future and not by central banks. 5. Accountability and transparency Accountability for policies is the logical complement to independence
in a democratic society. The Maastricht Treaty includes a number of
provisions in this respect. First, there is the mandate to pursue price
stability. This provides a qualitative measure against which the ECB's
performance can be measured. As I have already mentioned, we have decided
to enhance this by providing a quantitative definition of price stability.
One of the aims of publishing our monetary policy strategy is to make our
policy decisions transparent. The ECB has to publish an annual report in which, inter alia, the
monetary policy of the previous and current year are discussed. I present
this Annual Report to the EU Council and to the European Parliament, which
may hold a general debate on the basis of it. The President and other
members of the Executive Board of the ECB may be heard by the competent
committees of the European Parliament. I have agreed to appear before the
European Parliament at least four times a year. The ECB has to report on
its activities at least quarterly. It has been decided to go beyond this
requirement and to publish a monthly bulletin. It is my view that the main way to achieve accountability is through
being transparent and open. In passing, I should like to note that
transparency also enhances the effectiveness of a central bank. The better
it is understood, the more successful a central bank is. Apart from the
activities I have already mentioned, transparency is achieved in several
ways. Every month, after the first meeting of the Governing Council, the
Vice-President and I give a press conference. I start the conference with a
comprehensive introductory statement, in which I explain the decisions
taken by the Governing Council and the underlying analysis and arguments
for and against. This introductory statement is published immediately on
the ECB's Internet Web site. This is followed by a question and answer
session attended by several hundred journalists. The questions and answers
are also published on the Internet shortly afterwards. All the members of
the Governing Council frequently make speeches, give interviews and
contribute to journals and books. Thousands of people visit the ECB and the
national central banks each year and, for our part, we and our staff attend
many conferences and other public events. 6. EU enlargement The European integration process continues. The euro should be made a
success. I have already explained how we have started the process of doing
that. Some observers have criticised the EU for its "obsession with its own
internal dynamics", in particular in the context of European Economic and
Monetary Union (EMU). With all energies focused on meeting the convergence
criteria and the preparation for the launch of the euro, Europeans outside
the EU have wondered whether EMU and enlargement are not mutually exclusive
objectives. Let me briefly comment on this issue. After the historic decision to
complete the European Single Market in the 1980s, it was felt that economic
integration should not stop at that point. To fully reap the rewards of
economic integration within the Community, a single currency was felt
necessary; a logic pointedly encapsulated in the title of one report: "One
market, one money". Hence, the underlying idea of EMU was to advance European integration
and to ensure that full use would be made of the economic potential of the
Single Market. This idea continues to be the focus of European policy-
makers, as evidenced by the association agreements and the ongoing
accession negotiations with a number of European countries, Poland among
them. Good and mutually beneficial economic relations with third countries
in Europe and further afield are a pillar of EU policy orientation.
Recognising this, the principles of an open market economy with free
competition are enshrined in the Treaty on European Union. EMU will not
weaken this commitment, but rather reinforce it. Closer co-operation in
Europe and the respect of common principles in the political, economic and
social fields are likely to form the basis for further integration. The ECB
shall contribute to this process within the scope of its responsibility. Countries wishing to deepen their monetary co-operation to the
ultimate extent possible by forming a monetary union will have to adapt
their economic and legal systems to the standards required by the Treaty
and aim at a sufficient degree of economic convergence. In the absence of
these conditions, adjustment costs for both current and new participants
could be high. Any premature decision on the adoption of the euro could
have severe repercussions on a country's competitiveness and trigger
painful economic adjustments. Therefore, implementation of the necessary
institutional reforms and of a sufficient degree of convergence should not
be considered as an obstacle preventing further integration in Europe, but
rather as an essential means of ensuring the lasting success of EMU, for
existing and new participants alike. Looking at the impressive progress
made in a relatively short time in this country, there is no reason to be
pessimistic about Poland's chances of meeting these standards and
convergence criteria. I shall not venture, however, to predict when this
will be the case. Even at the current juncture, though, EMU in one part of Europe is
already having an impact on the whole region. Let me briefly mention two
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