The other typical feature of south-western dialects is not mentioned
by Wakelin, although it stands out much more clearly in the SED data. This
is the optional use of o’/ov (occasionally on) between a transitive verb
and its DO. Here are some of the many examples. Stripping the feathers off
a dead chicken (Orton and Wakelin) is called:
pickin/pluckin ov it (Brk-loc. 3);
trippin o’ en (= it) (D-loc. 6);
pickin o’ en (Do-loc. 3);
pluckin(g) on en - (W-loc. 9; Sx-loc. 2).
Catching fish, especially trout, with one’s hand (Orton and Wakelin)
is called:
ticklin o’/ov em (= them) (So-loc. 13; W-loc. 2, 8; D-loc. 2, 7, 8; Do-
loc. 2-5; Ha-loc. 4);
gropin o’/ov em (D-loc. 4, 6);
ticklin on em (W-loc. 3, 4; Ha-loc. 6; Sx-loc. 3);
tickle o’ em (Do-loc. l) (note the absence of -in(g)).
The confusion between of and on is frequent in dialects, but although
on may occur where of is expected, the reverse is impossible. The
occasional use of on instead of of is therefore unimportant. What really
matters is the occurrence of of, o’ or ov between a transitive verb and the
DO. The presence of the -in(g) ending should also attract our attention: it
occurs in all the examples except tickle o’ em, which is exceptional since,
when the SED informants used an infinitive in their answers, their syntax
was usually identical with that of Standard English, ie without of
occurring before the DO: glad to see you, (he wants to) hide it (Orton and
Following Jespersen, Lyons makes a distinction between real
transitives (/ hit you: action > goal) and verbs which are only
syntactically transitives (/ hear you: goal < action). It is a pity that
the way informants were asked questions for the SED (‘What do we do with
them? - Our eyes/ears’) does not enable us to treat the transitive verbs
see Orton and Wakelin and hear (Orton and Wakelin) other than as ODVs.
The use of of as an operator between a transitive verb and its DO was
strangely enough never described by Barnes, and is casually dismissed as an
‘otiose of’ by the authors of the SED, even though nothing can really be
‘otiose’ in any language system. Rogers points out that ‘Much more widely
found formerly, it is now confined to sentences where the pronouns en, it
and em are the objects.’ This is obvious in the SED materials, as,
incidentally, it is in these lines by Barnes:
To work all day a-meдken haя/Or pitchen o’t.
Nevertheless, even if his usage is in conformity with present syntax,
it is important to add that, when Barnes was alive, o/ov could precede any
DO (a-meдken ov haя would equally have been possible). What should also be
noted in his poetry is the extremely rare occurrence of o’/ov after a
transitive verb with no -en (= -ing) ending, which, as we just saw, is
still very rare in modern speech:
Zoo I don’t mind o’ leдven it to-morrow.
Zoo I don’t mind o’ leдven o’t to-morrow.
The second line shows a twofold occurrence of o’ after two transitive
verbs, one with and one without -en.
This -en ending can be a marker of a verbal noun, a gerund or a
present participle (as part of a progressive aspect form or on its own),
and o’ may follow in each case.
My own a-decken ov my own (‘my own way of dressing my darling’).
This is the same usage as in Standard English he doesn’t like my
driving of his car.
That wer vor hetten o’n (‘that was for hitting him’).
. . . little chance/O’ catchen o’n.
I be never the better vor zee-en o’ you.
The addition of o’ to a gerund is optional: Vor grinden any corn vor
bread is similar to Standard English.
As I wer readen ov a stwone (about a headstone).
Rogers gives two examples of the progressive aspect:
I be stackin’ on ‘em up.
I were a-peeling of the potatoes (with a different spelling).
To vind me stannen in the cwold, / A-keepen up o’ Chris’mas.
After any present participle, the use of o’ is also optional:
Where vo’k be out a-meдken haя.
The general formula is thus:
trans. V > V + o’/0
which can also be read as
MV (main verb) > trans. V + o’/0 + DO.
Here, o’ stands for o’ (the most common form), ov and even on. In modem
usage, the DO, which could be a noun or noun phrase in Barnes’s day and
age, appears from the SED materials to be restricted to personal pronouns.
For modern dialects, the formula thus reads:
MV > trans. V + o’/0 + pers. pron.
The o’ is here a transitivity operator which, exactly like an
accusative ending in a language with case declensions, disappears in the
passive. Consequently, the phenomenon under discussion here has to be
distinguished from that of prepositional verbs, which require the retention
of the preposition in the passive:
We have thought of all the possible snags. >
All the possible snags have been thought of.
The use of o’ as a transitivity operator in active declaratives is also
optional, which represents another basic difference from prepositional
Exactly the same opposition, interestingly enough, applies in south-
western dialects also:
[1] He is (a-) eдten o’ ceдkes > What is he (a-) eдten?
[2] He is (a-) dreдmen o’ceдkes > What is he (a-) dreдmen ov?
What remains a preposition in [1] and [2] works as the link between a
transitive verb and its DO. The compulsory deletion of the operator o’ in
questions relating to the DO demonstrates the importance here of the word
order (V + o’ + DO), as does also the similar triggering of deletion by
Though now used in a more restricted way, ie before personal pronouns
only, this syntactic feature is better preserved in the modern dialects
than the
-y ending of intransitive verbs, but, in so far as it is only optional, it
is easy to detect the growing influence of Standard English.
2. Diachrony as an explanation of these features.
Although the above description has not been purely synchronic, since
it cites differences in usage between the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries, it is actually only by looking back at even earlier stages of
the language that we can gain any clear insights into why the dialects have
developed in this way.
Both Widen and Wakelin remind us that the originally strictly
morphological -y ending has since developed into a syntactic feature. It is
a survival of the Middle English infinitive ending -ie(n), traceable to the
-ian suffix of the second class of Old English weak verbs (OE milcian > ME
milkie(n) > south-west dial. milky). Subsequently, -y has been analogically
extended to other types of verbs in south-west dialects under certain
syntactic conditions: in the absence of any DO, through sheer impossibility
(intransitive verb) or due to the speaker’s choice (ODV or ergative). The
only survival of medieval usage is the impossibility of a verb form like
milky being anything other than an infinitive. Note that this cannot be
labelled an archaism, since the standard language has never demonstrated
this particular syntactic specialization.
So far no explanation seems to have been advanced for the origin of
‘otiose of’, and yet it is fairly easy to resort to diachrony in order to
explain this syntactic feature. Let us start, however, with contemporary
Standard English:
[3] They sat, singing a shanty. (present participle on its own)
[4] They are singing a shanty. (progressive aspect)
[5] I like them/their singing a shanty. (gerund)
[6] I like their singing of a shanty. (verbal noun)
Here [5] and [6] are considered nominalizations from a synchronic point of
view. As far as [4] is concerned, Barnes reminds his readers that the OE
nominalization ic waes on hunlunge (‘I was in the process of hunting’, cf
Aelfric’s Colloquim: fui in. venatione) is the source of modern / was
hunting, via an older structure I was (a-) hunting which is preserved in
many dialects, the optional verbal prefix a- being what remains of the
preposition on.
The nominal nature of V-ing is still well established in the verbal
noun (with the use of of in particular), and it is here that the starting-
point of a chain reaction lies. Hybrid structures (verbal nouns/gerunds)
appeared as early as Middle English, as in
bi puttyng forth of whom so it were (1386 Petition of Mercers)
and similar gerunds followed by of were still a possibility in Elizabethan
Rend not my heart for naming of my Christ (Marlowe, Doctor Faustus)
together with verbal nouns not followed by any of:
... as the putting him clean out of his humour (B. Jonson, Every Man
out of his Humour).
Having been extended from the verbal noun to the gerund, of also
eventually spread to the progressive aspect in the sixteenth and
seventeenth centuries, at a time when the V-ing + of sequence became very
widespread in Standard English:
Are you crossing of yourself? (Marlowe, Doctor Faustus).
He is hearing of a cause (Shakespeare, Measure for Measure).
She is taking of her last farewell (Bunyan, The Pilgim’s Progress).
However, what is definitely an archaism in Standard English has been
preserved in south-western dialects, which have gone even further and also
added an optional o’ to the present participle used on its own (ie other
than in the progressive aspect). Moreover, there is even a tendency, as we
have seen, to use o’ after a transitive verb without the -en (= -ing)
ending. This tendency, which remains slight, represents the ultimate point
of a chain reaction that can be portrayed as follows:
Use of o’ in the environment following:
(A) (B) (C)
verbal noun > gerund > be + V-ing > pres. part. > V
(A) evolution from Middle English to the Renaissance;
(B) evolution typical of English in the sixteenth and seventeenth
(C) evolution typical of south-western dialects;
(D) marginal tendency in south-western dialects.
The dialect usage is more than a mere syntactic archaism: not only
have the south-western dialects preserved stages (A) and (B); they are also
highly innovative in stages (C) and (D).” (№18, p.218)
4. Vocabulary.
Devonshire (Dev)
Somersetshire (Som)
Wiltshire (Wil)
Cornwall (Cor)
Abroad - adj растерянный, незнающий, как поступить; попавший впросак,
совершивший ошибку; разваренный, расплавленный (о пище): The potatoes are
abroad. The sugar is gone abroad.
Addle, Udall, Odal (Dev) - v зарабатывать, сберегать, откладывать,
экономить; (о растениях) расти, расцветать [gu. oрla, возвр. oрlask -
приобретать (имущество), oрal - имущество]
Ail (Wil, Dev) - n ость (колоса)
Aller (Dev) - n нарыв, карбункул; тяжелый ожог: Suke died acause her
aller wanted letting.
Answer (Som) - v выносить, переносить (те или иные условия,
определенные события); выжить: That there poplar ’ont never answer out of
doors, t’ll be a ratted in no time; ~ to: реагировать на что-либо,
поддаваться воздействию чего-либо: Clay land easily answers to bones.
Any (повсеместно) - adj, adv, pron: any bit like - хороший, сносный,
приличный (о здоровье, погоде, поведении): I’ll come and see thee tomorrow
if it’s only any-bit-like; any more than - только; если бы: He’s sure to
come any more than he might be a bit late. I should be sure to go to school
any more than I’ve not got a gownd to my back.
Attle (Cor) - n мусор, отбросы
Bach, Batch, Bage (Som) - n река, ручей; долина, через которую
протекает ручей; овраг; насыпь или холм, находящиеся вблизи реки
Bad (Wil) - n внешняя земная оболочка ореха
Badge (Wil) - v заниматься перепродажей зерна, овощей и фруктов
Balch (Dev, Cor) - n небольшая веревка, кушак
Bam (Cor) - n шутка, проделка, номер: It’s nowt but a bam.
(Wil, Som) - n портянка, грубая материя, оборачиваемая вокруг
Ban (Som) - v проклинать; ругаться
Bannock (Wil, Som, Dev) - n блин / лепешка из овсянной или ячменной
Barge (Dev) - n боров; v ругать, оскорблять
Barney (Som) - n ссора, перебранка; чепуха; ошибка; плохо выполненная
работа, халтура
Barton (Wil, Dev, Som, Cor) - n крестьянский двор; подсобные помещения
в задней части крестьянского двора; крестьянский дом
Barvel (Cor) - n короткий кожаный передник, надеваемый при мытье
полов; кожаный передник рыбаков
Bate (Som, Dev) - n плохое настроение, раздраженное состояние; v
ссориться, ругаться
Beagle, Bogle (Dev) - n пугало; привидение; гротескно одетый человек,
Beet, Boot (Cor) - v чинить, ремонтировать, помогать; удовлетворять
Besgan, Biscan, Vescan (Cor) - n кожаный напальчник; матерчатая
Big (Som, Cor) - adj дружественный, близкий: Smith and Brown are very
big; v строить; v (с up) утверждать, поддержать (в мнении); быть преданным,
верным (человеку или идее)
Bogzom (Dev) - adj ярко-красный; румяный: Ya ha made ma chucks bugzom.
Bribe (Wil) - v приставать, издеваться; ругать, «пилить»: She terrible
bribed I.
Brindled (Som) - ppl adj пестрый, полосатый
Bruick-boil (Dev) - v вянуть; становиться сухой (о погоде)
Bunt (Som, Dev, Cor) - n сито; v просеивать муку
(Wil) - n вязанка хвороста
Buss, boss (Wil, Dev, Cor) - n теленок
But (Som) - n пики (в картах)
(Cor) - v вывихнуть (сустав): I’ve butted my thumb.
Cab (Som, Dev, Cor) - n липкая масса, что-либо грязное, мокрое или
липкое (adj cabby); v воровать
Cad (Som) - n самые мелкие и молодые особи (поросят, телят и др.); pl
мелкий картофель; падаль, гнилое мясо
Call (Som) - v думать, считать
Cam (Cor) - n глинистый сланец; adj изогнутый; упрямый
Casar (Dev, Cor) - n сито; v просеивать
Caw (Dev) - v дышать с трудом; n дурак
Cawk (Som) - v пороть, бить
Chack (Dev, Cor) - adj ppl chackt, chacking - испытывающий жажду;
Cheap (Som) - adj фразеол. be cheap on - вполне заслуживающий чего-
Chill (Dev, Som) - v немного подогреть (жидкость); chilled water -
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