|holidaymakers. Bristol |more great artists than|interesting in he is |
|& Bath are 2 principal |the world had never had|adding to what he |
|cities of the region. |before. The painters of|knows. Learning things |
|The most westerly point|Ren-ce tried to make |can be the most exiting|
|of Gr. Br. Lands End is|things look real. Some |aspect of a hobby. To |
|also in the S-w. East |were noted for |my mind pastime should |
|Anglia is very flat & |beautiful line, some |be spend usefully. It |
|it is another farming |for form, some for |can help us to be |
|region. It has |perspective. The |useful for the good of |
|beautiful cities with |painters of Kenice |our motherland & the |
|fine historic buildings|became noted for their |people, to understand |
|such as Cambridge. The |brilliant colors. Some |life better, to have |
|north of E. has some of|artists have painted in|good health. As for me |
|the wildest & loneliest|fresco & tempera. Some |my free time depends on|
|parts of the busiest |have used water-colors |the aim of live the |
|industrial cities. This|or oils. Painters have |outlook of look, |
|part of the country is |worked out many ways of|spirital interests, |
|rich in coal, which is |painting. |attitude to nature & |
|important for the | |bringing up. That’s why|
|region’s industry. | |my spare time is time |
| | |to train for a future |
| | |occupation to take up a|
| | |hobby to take a rest to|
| | |go on a picnic. |
|Russia. R. Is our |My close friend. |FamilyRelations. The |
|motherland. It is one |Acording to Oxford |family trdition is lost|
|of the largest |dictionary the word |for a lot of people. & |
|countries in the world.|friendship means the |it is one of the |
|It’s area is about 17 |relationship between 2 |reasons why most of |
|mln. sq. kms. More than|or more people. I |people have no sence of|
|150 million people of |should say this |family honour & pride. |
|different nationalities|relationship is based |A group of people who |
|live in R.In |on natural respect, |have the same name & |
|thewestR.bordersonFinla|common interests & |sit together in front |
|nd, Ukrain, Byelarus, |tastes, common hobbies.|of a TV set is not yet |
|Moldova & Baltic |A friend is a person |a family. Every year |
|states. In the south it|with whom you may be |more then 1 mln. |
|borders on Kazakhstan, |sencire before him you |Families break up. Many|
|Mongolia, China & the |can think aloud. I’ve |young families have |
|Korean people republic.|got a friend too. Her |material difficulties. |
|The Artic ocean & the |name is Ann. We got |As a result young |
|Baltic sea wash the |acquanted 5 years ago &|couples often have to |
|country in the north, |since there we have |rely on the assistance |
|in the east it is |never parted. Ann looks|of their parents. The |
|washed by the Pacific |ayyractive ican say |housing shortage is |
|ocean. The Urals divide|that she is charming. |another problem of many|
|R. into the European & |She has slender neck & |young families. Most |
|Asian sections. The |holds her head high. |young people don’t wish|
|Asian section includes |This girl wears her |to live together with |
|Siberia & the Far East.|flaxen hear short, Her |their parents after |
|The Volga is the |face is angular |they got married but |
|largest R-an river, |delicate features. Her |about half of them have|
|which flows in the |nose is snub & her lips|to do this. As a result|
|European part of the |are full & well-cut. |these young people have|
|country. The longest |She has striking big |no necessary experience|
|river in the Asian part|blue eyes. We are of |in family life. They |
|is the Lena. The |the same ages & have |don’t know: how to run |
|deepest lake in Asia & |much in common. We have|a household, how to |
|in Europe is lake |common interests, |manage the family |
|Baikal. It is the |common points of views,|budget, how to bring up|
|largest fresh water |common hobbies & tastes|children. The revival |
|lake in the world. The |but we are different in|of the family should |
|country has an |character. Ann is |start with the |
|extremely varied |modest devoted & |restoration of its |
|climate. The duration |sincere. I trust her& |traditions. In my |
|of winter & summer vary|she trusts me. She has |opinion family is one |
|in different regions. |good manners & is |of the most imprtant |
|Most of the R-an |attentive to other |things in our life. |
|territory is flat but |people. We help each |Almoust all our life we|
|it is mountains in the |other in difficult |live within a family. |
|east. R. is rich in |situations. Ann is |My family isn’t very |
|natural resources. It |resposible for her |large, it consits of...|
|has large reserve of |words & actions & never|My father is very kind,|
|oil, n. Gas, coal, |forgets to keep her |but sometimes strict. |
|iron, gold, silver & |promise. I can rely on |My mother is very busy |
|other minerals. M. Is |my friend in any |she works a lot. She is|
|the capital of R. |situation. I appriciate|very communicable & |
|Russia is a |such qualities of Ann’s|energetic woman. My |
|parlamentary republic. |character as frankness,|sister is very witty |
|Head of state in our |sincerity, |with good sence of |
|country is a president.|thoghtfullness, |humor. I like to spend |
|The Government consists|kindness & generosity. |my free time with her. |
|of 3 branches: |Our parents approve our|But I know that a lot |
|legislative, executive |friendship. I often |of families have |
|& judicial, The leg. |visit Ann’s family & |problems. I think that |
|Power is exersid by the|admire how friendly |people can hope with |
|Federal Assembly, which|they are. I like the |these problems if the |
|consists of 2 ch3mbers:|warm atmosphere which |family is friendly. If,|
|the council of |exists in their family.|members of the family |
|fderation & the state |My friend feels |help & support each |
|duma. The executive |affection for her |other. |
|power belongs to the |parents & love them | |
|government. The judical|tenderly. To tell the | |
|power belongs to the |truth I can’t imagine | |
|system of courts. |my life without my | |
| |friend Ann. | |
|English. Language |Sakhalin is the biggest|SCHOOL. I’m a citizen |
|belongs to each of us. |island in R. S is |of R & have the right |
|Every one uses words. |situated close to the |to education which is |
|There are not less than|eastern coast of Asian |guaranted by the |
|3 thousand living |mainland. It stretches |constitution & enshured|
|languages on our |from north to south. |by the broad |
|planet. The interest to|The island is 948kms |development of |
|foreign languages has |long. In the north & in|compulsory secondary |
|greatly increased in |the east S is washed by|education vocational |
|recent years. There are|the cold waters of the |specialized secondary |
|many reasons why people|sea of Okhotsk. In the |& higher education. I |
|undertake the study of |west & south-west the |started school at the |
|foreign language. More |island is washed by the|age of 7. It is a |
|than 750 million people|warm sea of J. S is |specialized English |
|all over the world use |separated from the |school. It became a |
|English. English is the|mainland by the Tatar |gymnasium a year ago. |
|main language of |strait & the Nev. |The primary school |
|business. So it is for |Channel. The surface of|curriculum included R. |
|sport: the official |it’s territory is |M. E. Dr. M. Pt & |
|language of the |covered with middle |Nature lessons. Schools|
|Olympics. Sometimes |mountains. In the |in R. are generally |
|English is a computer |eastern part of the |controlled by the |
|language. I think it is|island Zap-s mountains |government. Recently |
|one of the richest |are situated. The |they got some |
|language. I have been |highest mountain is |independence. Now each |
|learning Eng. For |mountain Lopatina. It |school is free to |
|almost 7 years. I learn|is 1609 m high. In the |choose subjects to be |
|eng for half an hour 6 |suburbs of Y-S Chekov |taught beyond a core |
|times a week. English |peak is situated. The |curriculum. So we have |
|grammar isn’t very |largest lowlands are |History & comp. Prog. |
|difficult. I think we |the S. & M lowlands. |lessons from the 5th |
|should understand it & |The climate in S is |form in our school. |
|all will be O.K. I know|monsoon. It is |There is no uniform |
|that grammar is a |characterized by cold |now. Classes last 40 |
|foundation of any |winters & cool rainy |min. As a rule pupils |
|language. One of the |summers. About a |go to school 6 times a |
|problems for learners |hundred cyclones pass |week. After 3 years of |
|of eng is phrasal |over the island |primary school classes |
|verbs. I have problems |annually bringing with |I went on to secondary |
|learning new words & |them winds & cloudy |school. Primary & |
|idioms. I think idioms |weather with |secondary school |
|are very difficult too.|precipitation. The |together comprise 11 |
|I know the English |typhoons bring to S |years of study. 9years |
|intonation is awful. I |strong winds & heavy |of classes are |
|mean, I think it is the|precipitation. The |compulsory. At school |
|most difficult part of |warmest part of the |we have classes in R, |
|pronanciation, because |island is it |L, M, B, G, Physics, |
|if you get it wrong |southwestern coast. In |Ch, E, H, C-pr, PT |
|people think you’re |the north the climate |lessons. My favorite |
|rude. I find reading |is severe. Forests |subject is English. Our|
|very helpful for people|cover 2- thirds of the |school is 3-storied |
|who just beginning to |S territory. Wide |building. On the ground|
|learn eng. People |variety of animals |floor there are |
|should… & other |inhabits S. Marine |administrative offices,|
|periodicals. If they |fauna is especially |workshops, a canteen, a|
|want to know eng they |variet. S is rich in |home economies room, |
|can listening to pop |natural & mineral |comp classes, a |
|music, but people must |resources. S can |cloakroom. On the 1st |
|know that some songs |literatury called a |floor there are a large|
|have such silly words. |treasure island. In |assembly hall, a gym, |
| |fact almost all the |classes of primary |
|Learning a foreign |elements of Medeleev’s |school. On the 2nd |
|language isn’t a easy |Periodic Table can be |floor there are P, Ch &|
|thing. It is a long & |found in its depths & |biology labs. We |
|slow process that takes|the island & its |usually have a lot of |
|a lot of time & |surrounding coastal |homework & it take me |
|efforts. I hope that my|shelf are also rich in |several hours to do it.|
|future will be connect |oil & natural gas as |I like my class. I |
|with English. |well as coal. Ecology |always feel at home |
|. |problems: using of coal|here. I am on good |
| |makes, the pollution of|terms with my class |
| |air; cutting forests |masters & we often |
| |has an influence on |spend our free time |
| |spanning rivers; |together. I want to say|
| |problems deal with |that after the 9th form|
| |transporting oil. |I must take 5 |
| | |examinations in… But to|
| | |enter a university it |
| | |is necessary to study 2|
| | |years more & take 6 |
| | |examinations on |
| | |fishining the 11th |
| | |form. |
| |Family. In my opinion |Y-S… Y-S is situated in|
| |family is one of the |the broad & beautiful |
| |most imprtant things in|valley of the Susuya R.|
| |our life. Almoust all |In the coast the city |
| |our life we live within|is enclosed by the |
| |a family. My family |Susunay m, in the west |
| |isn’t very large, it |it is surrounded by the|
| |consits of... Also we |Mitsulsky Ridge. In the|
| |have a dog, called |suburbs of Y-S Chekov |
| |Jack. My father is 45 |Peak & Bolshevic m. are|
| |years old. He is an |situated. Y-S is a |
| |engineer. He works in |modern city with the |
| |the office of an |population of about 170|
| |American engineering |thousand people. There |
| |company. He is always |are some plants & |
| |busy. He has very |factories in it. Y-S is|
| |little free time. In my|a cultural centre. |
| |opinion he is a |There are many schools,|
| |handsome man of medium |colleges, cinema-houses|
| |height & strong build |& libraries in it. The |
| |with a bronzed face. |museum of Local lore… |
| |His dark brown hairs is|The house of was built |
| |just begining to go |in 1937 by the Jap. It |
| |grey. My mother is 42 |is an unique example of|
| |years old but she is |the J, architecture. |
| |very pleasant looking |The park…The tourist |
| |woman. She is an |center G.V. is situated|
| |engineer too. By |on the slopes of the |
| |character my father is |Bolsh.M. It’s the point|
| |a quet man while my |to get a good view of |
| |mother is an energetic |Y-S. Victory Sq… The |
| |& active. My sister’s |monuments to… are |
| |name is Katya. She is |situated in tree public|
| |24 years old. Like |garden along Sakh. |
| |mother Katya has blue |Street. They remind of |
| |eyes & fair hair. My |those who were the 1st |
| |sister looks attractive|to explore S. There is |
| |I can say that she is |a m. to Checkov in |
| |charming. My name is |front of the Regional |
| |Alexandra, Sasha for |library. In 1890 he |
| |short. I’m a pupil of |visited S. & write a |
| |the 9th grade. I’m well|book about it. |
| |at schhol & get only | |
| |good & exelent marks. | |
| |My favorite subject is | |
| |chemistry & I want to | |
| |pass it on exem. In | |
| |future I want to be a | |
| |dantist. My family is | |
| |very united. We like to| |
| |spend time together. In| |
| |the evenings we watch | |
| |TV read books listen to| |
| |the music or just talk | |
| |about the events of the| |
| |day | |
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