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Moscow the capital of Russia is one of the world’s great cities. Its name

was first mentioned in chronicles in 1147. Since that time M. has played

an important role in R-an history. Today M. isn’t only the political center

of R. but also the contry’s leading city in population, industry & in

cultural importrance. M. stands on the M.R. in the center of the vast plain

of E.R. The climate of M. is continental. Winters are long & dark with a

lot of snow. Spring is rather short & the temperature rises quickly during

late April. Summers are warm & July is the warmest month. Rainy days are

quite common but the summer rainfall often comes in heavy showers &

thunderstorms. Autumn like spring is brief with rapidly falling temp-s. M.

is the largest industrial center of R. The most important industries are

those producing automobiles & trucks, machine tools, radio & TV sets. M.

plants & factories also produce food, furniture, clothes & footwear. The

most important element in M’s city transport is the metro subway. The

system was begun in 1935 & is still developing. M. has numerouse theatres

headed by the B. theatre. I know such theatres as the M. art theatre, the

state central puppet theatre & the M. state circus. M. has some museums &

art galleries of international rank. Among them are the state Pushkin

museum of fine arts & the state Tretyakov Gallery with an exellent

collection of R.paintings.

|UK. The UK of Great Britain & Northen Island with an area of some 244sq.

miles is situated on the British Isles, which are separated from the

European continent by the North Sea, the Strait of Dover & the English

Channel. Britain’s population is over 56 million people. The territory of

Gr. Britain is small. Yet the country has a wide variety of scenery. The

capital of Gr. Britain London stands on the Thames which flows into the

North Sea. The Thames is the deepest & the most important river in Gr.

Britain but isn’t very long. The Severn, which flows into the Irish Sea, is

the longest British river. The climate of Gr. Britain is mild. The Atlantic

Ocean & the warm waters of the Gulf-Stream affects the weather of the

British Isles. The summers are usually cool rainy. There is much rain & fog

in autumn & in winter. The heart of Britain is England. It is the richest &

most populated in the country. The north & the E. are mountainous, but all

the rest of the territory is a vast plain. In northwest E there are many

beautiful lakes called Lake District. The smallest of Britain’s countries

is Wales. The large part of Wales is covered with rocky mountains, which

are difficult to climb. Scotland is a land of mountains, wild moorlands,

narrow valleys & plains, famous lakes & no end of large & small islands of

the coast. The highlands of Scotland are among the oldest mountains in the

world. The UK is a monarchy the head of the state is a king or a queen. In

fact the sovrin rings, but doesn’t rule. The UK is governed by the

Government. Parliament consists of 2 houses – The House of Lords & the

House of Commons. The members of the House of Commons are election every 5

years. The House of Commons is very important because it makes laws. The

members of The House of Lords are permanent. The House of Lords can delete

& change laws.

|London. The capital of Gr. Britain is London. It is an ancient city many

centures old. L. was built by the Romans many years ago. They built a town

on the river Thames. The name of the town was Londinium. In Roman times it

was a small town. In 1666 there was the Great Fire of L. After that people

built a new city. About 9 million people live in L. It is the seat of

government of the whole country. It is also the center of British cultural

life & famous for its places of interest. Trafalgar Square is a good

starting point for any tour of L. In the middle of the square is Nelson’s

column. This square is the place for all sorts of meetings &

demonstrations. On the north side of the square are the National Gallery &

the National Portrait Gallery. In the corner of Tr. Sq. stands the old &

well-known church of St. Martin-the-Fields. The most important parts of L.

are the City, the East End, the West End & Westminster. One of the most

beautiful sights in L. is Westminster Abbey. It is an outstanding example

of medieval architecture. Many English kings & queens are buried there. In

the south side is the Poets’ Corner where many of the greatest Eng. Writers

& scientists are buried. There are many monuments of great men here. Across

the road from Westminster Abbey is Westminster Palace the seat of British

parliament. At one end of the palace is Clock tower with the largest clock

called Big Ben in it & at the other end – the Victoria Tower. The oldest

part of L. is called the City, it isn’t very large but it is very

important, its financial & business center. 2 masterpieces are situated

within the City: St. Paul Cathedral & the Tower of L. The East End is the

poorest part & an industrial district of L. There are many factories &

large riverside docks there with the port of L. The West End is the richest

& most beautiful part of L. It is situated between the City & Hyde Park of

L. The West End is a symbol of wealth & luxury. | |

|Home. The place where |Sport. Almost everyone |Theatre is one of the |

|you live in is very |likes sports. Next to |most popular arts |

|important because if |the weather people |nowdays. There are many|

|you have a comfortable |probably talk more |different theatres in |

|flat or a house to your|about sports than about|our country, but the |

|taste you can relax |any other topic. There|most famous theatre is |

|there & forget about |is no doubt that sport |the Bolshoy Opera |

|your troubles, sitting |holds an important part|Theatre in M. It was |

|in a worm cosy armchair|in our life. It helps |founded in 1776. Many |

|with a cup of tea or |people to keep fit to |outstanding singers, |

|coffee. Some people |become stronger & |musicians take part on |

|have a house others |developed physically. |the performances. I’ll |

|have apartments. I |It makes them to be |never forget my first |

|would like to live in a|more organized quickens|visit to the B. |

|house. There’re 2 ways |our reactions & |Theatre. My friend & I |

|of having the dwelling:|sharpens our wits. If |wanted to see the |

|to buy an apartment or |you want to keep fit |famous ballet |

|to build an individual |you must do sports. To |Chelkunchik by |

|house. I think I’ll |my mind it must be an |Tchaikovsky. We knew |

|have enough money to |essential part of our |the plot very well. We |

|build my own house. |daily life. A person |also knew some pieces |

|There will be the door |must work to be skil |of music from this |

|on the west side it can|full in sports. Even if|ballet & decided to see|

|be half glass. & there |you do a set of morning|the whole performance. |

|will be a path from the|exercises every day |We bought the tickets |

|gate to the front door.|you’ll feel healthy & |in advance & come to |

|On the west side of the|cheerful for the rest |the theatre half an |

|house there‘ll be the |of the day. As for me I|hour before the show. |

|garage. What about the |fully support those |At 7 p.m. the |

|exterior of the house |parents who train their|performance began. From|

|there will be yellow |babies to swim from the|the very 1st minute I |

|bricks for the wall & |cradle. As a rule these|was deeply impressed by|

|red tiles for the roof.|babies grow sound & |everything I saw on the|

|Now I’d like to discuss|healthy. Almost any |stage. The acting was |

|the interior design. On|pleasant activity aimed|superb & exciting. The |

|the downstairs on the |at exercising the body |costumes were fine the |

|side facing the road |may be called a sport. |music was thrilling. |

|there’ll be the hall & |What a sport for one |The ballet seemed to me|

|kitchen. The living |person may be just hard|a fairy-tale. I had |

|room & dining room will|work for another. Many |never seen anything |

|be on the side facing |of us play such games |more wonderfull. My |

|the garden. I agree to |as volleyball football |friend also enjoyed |

|combine living room & |basketball or tennis. |every minute of it. |

|dining room. The |Athletics is the most |After the 1st act we |

|devision can be made by|popular sport. People |went to look over the |

|built-in book shelves |call it the queen of |theatre. We saw the |

|on the living room side|all sports. Great |boxes the pit, the |

|& cupboards & more |championships in sport,|dress-circle & the |

|shelves on the dining |which are organized |gallery. There were |

|room side. I like |every 4thyear are |many portraits of |

|built-in furniture. It |called the Olympic |famous opera-singers, |

|saves space & is |games. The last Olympic|ballet-dancers, |

|cheaper. Ofcourse, on |games were in 2002. My |musicians & producers |

|the there will be a |friends prefer |on the walls of the |

|cloak- room with wash |swimming, running, |foyer. We had |

|-basin in it & a |tennis. But as for me |disscussion about the |

|lavatory. What about |I’m found of volleyball|play & went to our |

|the upstairs there will|basketball. These games|seats again as it was |

|be 3 large bedrooms. |are very exciting & I |the bell for the 2nd |

|Each of them will have |always follow them on |act. When the curtain |

|a large closet so there|TV. I think our PT |fell at the end of the |

|is no need for separate|lessons do us a lot of |performance there came |

|wardrobes. There will |good. We often have |a storm of applause. It|

|be the bathroom & the |different competitions |seemed it would never |

|W.C. next to it. I |in different games such|end. The dancers |

|don’t want standard |as pioneer-ball |received call after |

|lamps so I’ve arranged |basketball volleyball. |call. They were |

|for indirect lighting. |Of all outdoor & indoor|presented with large |

|The cables will be |games I prefer |bouquets of flowers. We|

|built into the wall. |basketball tennis |also applauded |

|There will be also |hockey, but I’m also |enthusiastically. The |

|several power points at|interested in other |performance was a |

|the lower parts of the |sports. |success. |

|walls for appliances. | | |

|England. Gr. Britain is|Arts. Art is a part of |Hobbies. Almost all of |

|one of the most |culture. There are 3 |us have free time, but |

|beautiful countries in |kinds of art: visual |some people don’t. They|

|the world. Many |including painting, |are so busy that they |

|tourists come over |sculpture & |can’t let relax |

|especially look at the |arhitecture, |themselves. & that is |

|pictures landscape. |audio-visual including |the problem. On the |

|Highlands turn into |theatre, opera, cinema |contrary some people |

|lowlands. Forests & |& audible, which |have a lot of free time|

|hills turn into meadows|consists of music & |& they don’t know how |

|& plains very quickly. |literature. But we |to spend it. Also there|

|There are many deep |don’t know, which of |is a problem of choose |

|valleys rivers & |the arts is the oldest.|: where to go & what to|

|waterfalls, hills & |We know that cave men |do. How do young people|

|mountains. England |drew on the walls of |spend their free time. |

|occupies the largest |their caves. They |Most prefer going to |

|part of the island of |carved handles of & |the clubs & cafes. A |

|Gr. Br. The north & the|bone knives into the |lot of people devote |

|west of England are |figures of animals. We |their free time to |

|mountainous, but all |know that Egyptians & |hobbies. A hobby is |

|the rest of the |Babylonians planned & |smth. , to which a |

|territory is a vast |built wonderful |person chooses to give |

|plain. The chief rivers|buildings many yeas |time & energy & which |

|of England are the |ago. They decorated |he is interesting in. |

|Severn & the Thames. |their clothes & |Hobbies differ like |

|The Thames flows |pottery. What people |tastes. If you have |

|through L. & makes it a|find around them has a |chosen a hobby |

|large seaport. There |great deal to do with |according to your |

|are many ports in |how they try to bring |character & taste you |

|England including |beauty into their |are lucky because your |

|Bristol Liverpool L. |houses & lives. North |life becomes more |

|England is famous for |people carve beautiful |interesting. H. are |

|its cities for example,|figures out of the |divided into 4 large |

|Starford upon-Avon & |ivory & from walrus |groups: doing things, |

|Oxford. Starford |tusks. But they don’t |making things, |

|upon-Avon is the |plan & built big & |collecting things & |

|birthplace of great W. |wonderful buildings. In|learning things. The |

|Shakespeare. Oxford is |the same time the |most popular of all |

|famous for its |Indians of the American|hobby groups is doing |

|university. In the |southwest make silver |things. It includes a |

|northwest of E. there |jewelry set with |wide variety of |

|are many beautiful |turquoise. All art’s |activities everything |

|lakes called Lake |works are alike in one |from gardening to |

|District. The Southwest|way. They all have some|traveling. Making |

|is a highly populated |kind of design. Artist |things includes |

|region of E. London is |in his work often |drawing, painting, |

|a capital of Gr. Br. & |express some |making sculpture, |

|such historical cities |deep-feelings. It can |handicrafts. Almost |

|as Windom, Dover & |be sorrow fear joy. It |everyone collects |

|Brighton are situated |may a love of country |something at some |

|here. |or nature. It may be a |period in his life. |

|The southwest is the |feeling of calm & |Some collections have |

|region where the main |excitement, too. The |no real value. Others |

|activity is farming. |work of art should give|become some so large & |

|Although, there are |the person who sees or |sovaluable that they |

|some very big farms. |listens it the same |are housed in museums &|

|Most of them are small |feelings. As for me my |galleries. No matter |

|family farms. The s-w. |favorite kind of art is|what kind of hobby a |

|used to be known for |painting. A revival of |person has he always |

|its pirates. The |art began in Italy & |has the opportunity of |

|romantic past makes it |spread to other |learning from it. By |

|a popular place for |countries. During the |reading about the |

|artists, writers & |Renaisance there were |things he is |

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